Wednesday, November 9, 2011

T.10.3 LAB

W7 T3.3 LAB

Best Video Game in 2011

Xbox 360

Batman Arkham City

Batman Arkham City for the Xbox 360 system is by far the best game created in 2011.

Why is Batman Arkham City the best game available now? The graphics are great, the animation is superb, and the story is fascinating!!

    Best Games 2011
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Fallout Las Vegas
  • Forza Motorsports 3
  • La Noire
  • Gears of War 3
  • Rage
  • Deus Ex
  • Borderlands
    Worst Games 2011
  1. Barney Play Along
  2. Elmos fun house
  3. Kinnect Sports
  4. Billys newspaper
  5. Sesame Street Adventure
Visit for all your gaming needs!!!


Task T3.4