Thursday, December 8, 2011

T8.2 Web Applications

Web-applications are essential in producing effective and consistent business practices to compete in our competitive economy. Organizations develop web application keeping in mind the vast advantages; they can connect to various computers, transmit information and can support multiple devices simultaneously. This research will focus on the history and future of web applications developed by leading organizations in our online world.

In the beginning of the twenty first century, the emergence of web applications was new to the World Wide Web community. Most web applications were not optimized for speed or efficiency one that comes up quite often is “Odd Post”. Odd Post was a subscriber based web client, whom set forth the use of JavaScript to render a desktop mail application. This was one of the early forms of an online application created head way to software giant Google. Web applications became more popular and as the market saturated with various blue chip companies combating for market share. Apps for navigation released by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and first public document processing apps are only the beginning.

In June 2006, Google Writely was a web-based word processor created by the software company Upstartle and launched in August 2005. This milestone marked the dawn of a new technological era. Google launches Spreadsheets and Google Documents to the public. Google Spreadsheets which allowed real-time collaboration launched. Simple applications like apps for time management become competitive compared to their desktop counterparts. In addition to new web applications, major strides were made in improving the functionality of the resources used in creating and implementing web applications. In result, developer tools are released as open source; creating an eruption of new programs sparked by the online community. One application that really pushed the envelope is called Native Client.

Google developed a powerful developer tool called “Native Client,” a sandboxing technology which allows the user to run a native code from a web browser while keeping a high level of security. Theoretically, Native Client will allow web applications using it’s code to run at an above than average accelerated pace, whilst performing tasks in web and desktop applications.

Web applications are being released in a furious fashion in the past few years and this trend will continue expand exponentially. Web applications that were unthinkable in humans a few years ago are being bombarded with options and remapping the image of humanity as we know it.

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Best Video Game in 2011

Xbox 360

Batman Arkham City

Batman Arkham City for the Xbox 360 system is by far the best game created in 2011.

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    Best Games 2011
  • Mass Effect 2
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  • Forza Motorsports 3
  • La Noire
  • Gears of War 3
  • Rage
  • Deus Ex
  • Borderlands
    Worst Games 2011
  1. Barney Play Along
  2. Elmos fun house
  3. Kinnect Sports
  4. Billys newspaper
  5. Sesame Street Adventure
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