Monday, September 26, 2011

Assignment T2.1- Analyzing Value of an IS

Baseball players have bats and business men or women have Business Information Systems. In the major leagues with out the right tools you’re going to strike out. Business on the other hand works with far more innovative and precise tools such as systems. Understanding how these systems work enables the users to work more efficiently. Business Information Systems provides users an overview on computer hardware, software, procedures, systems, and human resources, and explores their integration and application in business. The component most valued in this study is Enterprise Systems such as Electronic and Mobile commerce.

Ecommerce involves any business transaction executed electronically between companies (business to business) companies to consumers, and consumers to consumers (C2C) business in the public sector. E –commerce offers businesses of all sizes to reach their targeted audience and sell their goods at low costs worldwide, which usually allows them to enter the global market.

Mobile marketplace or Mobilecommerce is the use of mobile, wireless device to place orders and conduct business. M-commerce relies on wireless communications that manages orders and conducts business with computers, handheld devices, laptops connected onto the internet. For example consumers can order from their favorite restaurants using a mobile application or website called “Grubhub”. This program pinpoints what the consumer is interested in eating, downloads the specific menu and allows them to order online. Orders placed with them are saved and can be reordered at a future time. Payment is automated as well. Paypal is one of the largest and leading internet payment providers. Paypal offers top notch security with all purchases. In addition to all the convenience a survey is taken after each order to make sure the customer enjoyed their experience using the mobile application or website. This is a clear example how the main system components work in business. First the consumer inputs their order, the system process the order, and the consumer receives their order (output). In the end of the process a feedback system is used to measure customer satisfaction.

In conclusion investigating and understanding the roles of a Business Information System in an organization can lead to success and expansion in an ever changing economy.

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W7 T3.3 LAB

Best Video Game in 2011

Xbox 360

Batman Arkham City

Batman Arkham City for the Xbox 360 system is by far the best game created in 2011.

Why is Batman Arkham City the best game available now? The graphics are great, the animation is superb, and the story is fascinating!!

    Best Games 2011
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Fallout Las Vegas
  • Forza Motorsports 3
  • La Noire
  • Gears of War 3
  • Rage
  • Deus Ex
  • Borderlands
    Worst Games 2011
  1. Barney Play Along
  2. Elmos fun house
  3. Kinnect Sports
  4. Billys newspaper
  5. Sesame Street Adventure
Visit for all your gaming needs!!!


Task T3.4