Monday, September 26, 2011

Hardware and Software

Every decade brings substantial advancements to both software and hardware, but in certain decades the strategic importance of one versus the other shifts dramatically in many segments. The following will give us a basic understanding how both work together to create the technological age we live in todays world.

Online mobile payment systems ensure payment of goods or services in a secure and efficient manner. Traditionally, payment is usually sent via check or money order to a central processing location. Utilizing specialized software consumers and businesses can send all payment related data to the merchant over the Internet, this process bypasses the need of an external party to interact with customer and merchant which drives down operation costs. Implementing an online payment software offers vast amount of advantages but the more pronounced advantages are customer satisfaction and low cost to manage, implement to a organization’s information system.

Analytics are a major part of business and even greater for a small business. Using a mobile analytical program a business can decide to create and publish marketing tools online. A small business can cater the specific application towards today’s current and popular operating platforms. Once implemented a small business can track mobile visitors to a website is an important tool that will help optimize sales.

PLS (Product Locating Service) Utilizing a mobile application that allows a product to be searched and located immediately. A product locating service application can centralize or distribute database containing information on products and services. A consumer or internal business associate could be able to find a precise location of stored products. A PLS program can make a small business more competitive by allowing the customer to search and shop their merchandise.

Mobile coupons, vouchers, and mobile gift card technology can also be used for the distribution of vouchers, coupons, and loyalty cards. These items are represented by a virtual token that is sent to the mobile phone. A customer presenting a mobile phone with one of these tokens at the “POS” (Point of Sale) receives the same benefits as if they had the traditional token. Stores may send coupons to customers using their demographic information to determine what type of products they may need.

Mobile Auctions is an upcoming technology that bills the customer’s phone each time they place a bid. Many mobile commerce infrastructures use a preliminary purchase or registration form to form a bond with an online client. Moible access of online auctions offer a high return for the small business as they need the end-user to make various transactions within a specific time frame.

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W7 T3.3 LAB

Best Video Game in 2011

Xbox 360

Batman Arkham City

Batman Arkham City for the Xbox 360 system is by far the best game created in 2011.

Why is Batman Arkham City the best game available now? The graphics are great, the animation is superb, and the story is fascinating!!

    Best Games 2011
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Fallout Las Vegas
  • Forza Motorsports 3
  • La Noire
  • Gears of War 3
  • Rage
  • Deus Ex
  • Borderlands
    Worst Games 2011
  1. Barney Play Along
  2. Elmos fun house
  3. Kinnect Sports
  4. Billys newspaper
  5. Sesame Street Adventure
Visit for all your gaming needs!!!


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